Freelancer Artist / Illustrator

- Vietnamese.
- Interested in many genres of games, comics, and animation
- University student, majoring in Digital art and design.
- Personal commission: 2 slot/month





*** (0/2 slot - April 2025) Please follow the slot before contact.
Fullbody: 200-230$
Halfbody: 160-180$
- 1USD = 25.000VND (for vietnamese)
- No background, simple poses.
- Only 2 characters, +character: Halfbody + 140-160$, Fullbody + 180-200$.
- Can't accept NSFW, real character (actor), things I can't draw
- Work for 1-2 months. If you have a deadline request, please let me know, at least 1 month. If there is any problem I will contact you.


Please read before contacting me
- Payment method: Paypal, bank (Vietnam)
- Only work when I receive full payment. This means you pay 100%.
- Please send me your brief and what you want. Please have clear references, color, and character details.
- I do not accept refunds or cancel the commission after the rendering step. Refund 50% at line step.
- If the problem is from me, I will refund 100%
- You are not allowed to use my unapproved sketches.
- I will send you the color base step for review and editing. I do not accept adjustments after rendering has started.
- I still own the copyright to the painting and when you post it publicly, post the one with my name credited.
- Printing for sale is not allowed, but personal printing is allowed, but let me know.
- Not used for AI, NFT.
- Delete drive data after 3 months
- For commercial purposes, the price will be x2, x3 depending on request.
- Contact me via email or discord.